Sonic Acts Panel - Climate Imaginaries at Sea | Rehearsing Disaster

Sunday 16 October 2022

Aura Satz • Thomas Lamers from Collectief Walden, with Annelinde Bruijs and Dominic Kraemer • Mikki Stelder • Daphina Misiedjan

Moderated by Laura Cull Ó Maoilearca

Water. A transformative being. It affects everything it comes to pass on its way and is affected by what it encounters. Relearning the language of her Indigenous community, Robin Wall Kimmerer is well aware how many things are considered beings. One would not say ‘a bay’ but: ‘being a bay’. Sometimes water would be a river, sometimes a sea, it could also be a tsunami, a life source, an obstacle, a habitat... In this panel water transforms into different beings, as it flows past the different lenses through which various artists-researchers explore sea level rise – encountering human-made structures and non-human animals, resistance and embrace.

The panel is curated in collaboration with an ARIAS coalition, Climate Imaginaries at Sea, coordinated and organised by Nienke Scholts.

Presentations are accompanied by songs from Collectief Walden’s Songs for the Rising Water, performed by singers Annelinde Bruijs and Dominic Kraemer.
