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Download a digital copy of 'Fieldings' (pdf)


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DAS Publishing

DAS Publishing is the new publishing platform of the ATD Lectorate: the lectorate of the Academy of Theatre and Dance, Amsterdam University of the Arts – launched in 2021, with our first title, FIELDINGS.

DAS Publishing aims to support the diverse publishing needs of researchers at the Academy of Theatre and Dance. Foregrounding a bespoke approach: we work with researchers to find the publication forms that meet the needs of their ideas and practices and allow them to engage their intended audiences.

More About DAS Publishing

Core questions of the ATD Lectorate:
– How does publishing need to change to meet the needs of artistic research?
– What formats does research in the performing arts need?
– How can embodied knowledge be shared and invoked?

In this way, DAS Publishing is itself research: an inquiry through practice into the futures of publication and the dissemination of the knowledges that come from the performing arts and creative producing.

Partnerships are key to our work: as we learn from developing projects in collaboration with other presses, distributors and designers. Our current partners include: Performance Research books; Ideabooks; Our Polite Society; and Hans Gremmen.

As the platform develops, we aim to specialise in artistic research across the performing arts alongside scholarship. Our emerging publishing projects range from books to podcasts, video essays to interactive sites, printed matter to sound works – and especially combinations of these media. 

The evolution of DAS Publishing will also be guided by our concern with how the platform can meet the needs of its researchers at the same time as it seeks to practice values of ecological sustainability, inclusivity, accessibility and collective study. 

– How can publishing be more sustainable?
– Whose voices and what knowledges are excluded from existing platforms and conventional formats?
– How can research in the performing arts be made accessible to and inclusive of wider and more diverse audiences?

Contact us:
Researchers at the ATD can approach DAS Publishing with:

  • Proposals for publishing projects
  • Requests for advice on publication

Please contact Marilixe Beernink:


Download a copy of Change - Now! (PDF)


Download a digital copy of 'Fieldings' (pdf)


Order Dutch Mime - NL and Eng versions available