HALf6: Tuesday, 16 October 17:30 - 18:30
Location: IDlab Studio, 5th floor, Academy of Theatre and Dance.
In the new series ID.OS - IDlab Open Studio - progressive artists present their innovative interdisciplinary practice. From electronic music to video games, and from music videos to Instagram documentaries.
How does that creative process proceed: from idea, to design, to result? And how do you then extend that to online networks?
In the first episode of ID.OS we welcome the futuristic AV project patten from London. Patten was founded in 2006 and has since become known for their albums on the English label 555-5555, home to artists such as Aphex Twin, Flying Lotus and Kelela. They performed all over the world, including at Sónar (Barcelona) and Sonic Acts (Amsterdam) and at Tate Modern
During ID.OS E01, patten will provide insight into their radical, hopeful and interdisciplinary way of researching, making and performing. The art work we will focus on this time is the music video Epsilon, made by patten in collaboration with Werkflow for 555-5555:
After the presentation the audience will get the chance to ask questions.
Afterwards, ID.OS #01 ends with soup and drinks, just like HALf6.
You are cordially invited.
More information:
What: ID.OS #01: patten (555-5555 / London)
When: Tuesday, October 16, 17:30 - 18:30
Location: IDlab Studio, 5th floor, Academy of Theater and Dance.
Free access
Language: English
Host and curator: Juha van 't Zelfde (head master Shadow Channel at the Sandberg Institute)
Programme management IDlab: Erik Lint