Got an idea?
IDlab can only thrive as a vibrant and experimental meeting place if we nourish one another with our ideas. So bring it on!
Who’s who at IDlab?
- Programme director: Erik Lint
- Team: Ward ten Voorde, Paul van de Ploeg, Bram Snijders, Willem Weemhof, Arjan Schoolderman.
Mail your idea to
In your mail:
• Let us know which artist you’d like to invite into the school and/or what theme you’d like to explore
• Explain why you want to invite this artist or highlight this theme
• If possible, add a link to further information and/or contact details.
IDlab is very open to a wide range of disciplines, especially with parties outside the school. Our academy and students have plenty to offer any external collaboration. These talented young performative artists also have a keen eye for the experiential worlds around us – the worlds outside the sealed helmets, virtual environments and bubbles!
If you’d like to know more about the possibilities or you’ve got an idea for a collaboration, send a short explanatory email to
Mail your short proposal to
In your proposal, briefly detail:
- the central focus is of your research project
- the goal of your project
- why you believe your idea is a good one
- who will be interested in the project
- the people you would like to involve
- the project timetable
- how the project could be financed or co-financed.