Poetic laboratory for digital technologies
Experimental, interdisciplinary, inspirational
IDlab’s mission
IDlab (Interdisciplinary Digital Laboratory) offers a place for the latest developments in digital technology at the Academy of Theatre and Dance and, by extension, in the performing arts of the 21st century. What potential meaning do these new techniques hold for us?
IDlab brings innovation and experimentation into the heart of the academy. We are a laboratory for experimenting with digital developments and techniques such as video mapping, virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), mixed reality (XR), game technology, and 360 video and audio.
IDlab is an is an open space for interdisciplinary cross-departmental collaboration – with, for and by the students, teachers and study programmes at the academy, and especially with the outside world of artists, other academies and disciplines, universities, theatres festivals and media companies.
Take our close collaboration with the Film Academy’s VRacademy, for example, or our development of a workshop for 2D and 3D digital manufacturing tools for the Academy of Architecture.
We are also involved in a variety of academic collaborative relationships, with the likes of ACIN Amsterdam Creative Industries Netwerk, ARIAS Amsterdam Research Institute of the Arts and Sciences and the international research community TIM Transmission In Motion at the University of Utrecht.
IDlab has two real-world spaces – IDlab Studio and IDlab Atelier – where we run our programme packed with interdisciplinary educational projects, workshops, research projects and, above all, inspirational encounters in the form of meet-ups and lectures.