Afternoon workshop - Coding for dance – Paola Tognazzi
Coding for dance
Teacher: Paola Tognazzi
Day: Sunday June 26
Time: 13:00 - 15:00 hrs.
It’s a workshop by Paola Tognazzi to learn basic principles to program a machine to dance, and by doing that, develop a deeper understanding of how the body works and what makes dance, the art it is.
You will learn what is an algorithm, the 4 basic principles of coding: variable definitions of commands, loop, if-statements and variable reset, furthermore the importance of limits, of max and min values, and finally to be inspired by algorithms to create choreographies and explore movement physical qualities. In the second part will move to the application of these principles on our bodies and to the creation together a group choreography aiming to build a swarm particle colliding choreographic system with sensing bodies.
If possible bring your laptop with “Processing” software installed Link: version 3.5.4