Gergő Farkas
Gergo (1996, H) performs and creates dance and choreography.
He started his dance studies at the Hungarian Dance University and continued them at
the ATD.
Outside of his education’s framework he collaborated with visual artists Anna Adam
(Gray Box Projects) and Joran van Soest, researching the intersections of dance and
film (Ø, 2017, a collaboration with Joran van Soest) as well as of exhibition and
choreography (Anna Adam: sorry not sorry, Gergo Farkas: d u o, 2018).
In 2019/2020 Gergo works as an intern dancer for the Stockholm based
touring company Cullberg, where he rehearsed with Alma Söderberg and became
familiar with a repertoire including pieces by Deborah Hay and Jefta van Dinther.
In 2020/2021, he will work as a freelancer between Stockholm, Budapest and Amsterdam.
Dunja Jocic