Alice Pons

Alice Pons

DAS Theatre

Alice Pons is a French performance artist living and working in Amsterdam. She was trained as a dancer at the Paris Conservatory and graduated in 2012 as a choreographer at SNDO, (School for New Dance Development – Amsterdam University of the Arts). In 2014 she became co-founder of the Moha project.

Moha is an artistic collective that operates in the public space of Amsterdam and has no home base. At first this nomadic way of working came out of necessity, because of the situation we found ourselves in as young artists at the peak of the crisis in 2012-13. Nevertheless, throughout the years it has become the most determining characteristic of our work. By moving from one neighbourhood to another, from one street to another in accordance with the dictates of our different projects, we realised we represent an important counterpoint to the existing institutional structures.

Pons considers the way her work is produced through Moha is part of her artistic statement. She believe that in these difficult economic times it has become a necessity to work more collaboratively in order to survive – to work with structures from different fields, work with the audience, work with other artists. She therefore welcomes her audience and network, friends and strangers to take part in her various projects, from their organization and artistic development to their end result. As much as possible, she approaches her work as a ‘facilitator’ rather than a ‘leader’. Her projects take the form of collaborative, on-going platforms that the public is invited to join.

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