Olga Tsvetkova
- Opleiding
- DAS Theatre
- Lichting
- 2017
Olga Tsvetkova is a Russian artist currently living and studying in Amsterdam. Her interest lies in performance and specifically in relation to the choreographic scores that she applies in her artistic work to sculpt time and to construct the space. However, she also believes that art is a surprise, it cannot be calculated; it's a prey, a catch. Olga feels connected with the things that collide and contradict each other, the colliding gives different segments of space, it creates volume. With one direction you narrow and kill phenomenon. In her works she seeks for sincerity, nature and precision. Olga's artistic passion is a constant attempt to give a shape to the feelings of her senses.
Neither the language of common sense nor of science tells us anything about the ultimate nature of things or of our relation to them. All our logic, our language, is ultimately nothing more than a convenient, useful — and not even always useful — fiction. Thus Tsvetkova's believe system today consists of non-meaning and non-sense that are able to suggest a transcendent meaning that simultaneously underpins and negates our human understanding. She is interested in finding a way to get back to low gaze (the ability to look at things as if you encounter them for the first time) in her artistic practice. "Art is not in the mind. Art is in the eye, in the ear, in the memory of our senses".