MTD Legacy project
The MTD Legacy Project is an initiative of eight MTD teachers to disseminate, celebrate and share the knowledge, experience and heritage of the Modern Theatre Dance programme (1989-2022) of the Academy of Theatre and Dance in Amsterdam with the dance world in the Netherlands and beyond.
The MTD Legacy project is a threefold event and consists of a festival (GIVE-A-DANS!), a publication dedicated to the MTD Legacy and teacher’s research, and a digital platform to support the visibility of the work and activities of alumni and teachers from past, present and future.
The festival GIVE-A-DANS! came about with many voluntary hands and heads. In order to be able to compensate the contributing artists, teachers, thinkers and organisers according to the FAIR-PRACTICE principle, your donation is welcomed with great gratitude.Thank you!
The project aims to consolidate, harvest and celebrate the ideas and practices developed in more than thirty years. It is a tribute to an exceptional high-profile contemporary dance education.
The initiative is supported by a broad dance community: the ATD, the study program itself, the ECD, the dance community of Amsterdam and the Netherlands, and MTD alumni from all over the world.
MTD Legacy Project thanks the ATD for its extensive support and the use of the website for this project.