
For the study programme, the regular, legally fixed tuition fees apply. For an update of current costs please refer to the following:
Tuition fees Amsterdam University of the Arts

In addition please take into account the following costs:

  • General
    To supplement the education you receive, you will need to purchase study literature, licenses and other materials, for example, a Dutch national museum pass. In the first year these costs will amount to approximately € 300,-  and in the second year about € 200,-.
  • Attending performances
    We expect students to attend performances or other cultural events on a regular basis to stay in touch with what’s happening in our professional field. Many venues often give you ticket price reductions on presentation of your ATD student pass. Your national museum pass allows you free entrance to most Dutch museums.
  • Travel expenses
    Study trips you are expected to make in the Netherlands will be planned as much as possible so you can make use of your OV chipkaart (the payment method for public transport in the Netherlands). Students should therefore be in possession of a OV chipkaart that is valid during the week.   


Part-time job

This is full-time study programme. For most students this means they will have  no time for a part-time job next to their study. Although this is not the case for everyone, we nonetheless advise you to wait until your study has got underway before deciding whether or not to take a part-time job.

