Escape Routes #1 - Leandro Souza

How to escape from the traps of representation and visibility regimes? This question is the starting point of my research.
I turned to my ancestors, trapped and forced into centuries of inhuman labor, to reflect on the notion of escape, tracing choreographic approaches from an expanded perspective and observing what it can teach, once again, in refusing and confronting the renewed forces of the flattening of life.
In this moment, I share a dynamic relationship between word and body, based on a tactic of entanglement, as a strategy of escape.
I collected choruses of song lyrics from my personal archive, researched using keywords such as: escape, skin, humanity, human race; among others. I also converted excerpts from my research readings into chorus format.
To get out of these closed grammatical structures, you have to "scratch the record". Entanglement begins with repetition.
Research: Leandro Souza
Mentor: Renan Marcondes
Tutors: Jeroen Fabius and Konstantina Georgelou
Research collaborators: Allysson Amaral, Alina Folini, and Isis Andreatta
Sound: Thiago Salas, and InĂªs Terra