Still Life

Egyptian relief sculptures from approximately 2500 B.C. show warriors using poles to climb enemy walls. In the Netherlands poles were used as a practical means of passing over natural obstacles in marshy places. Centuries later pole vault became a full medal event at the Olympic Games in 1896. Ever wondered about the chance your daily habits will become a sport one day?

Together with Norwegian theatre maker Karen Røise Kielland (Blood for Roses), 7 graduate mime-students have developed a series of future sports. Has the digital revolution outplayed the human body’s physical role? Find out yourself and have a chance to win a gold medal in this post-industrial age sports event!




SpelSieger Baljon, Indra Cauwels, Nina Fokker, Eva Kijlstra, Julie Solberg, Sus Verbruggen, Sanne de Wit

Karen Røise Kielland (Blood for Roses)

Felix Weigand

Marcel Slagter

1ste inspiciënt
Harm Lubbers

Sanne de Vos

Lieske van der Linden

Begeleiding productie
Ad van Mierlo

Grafisch ontwerp
Rutger Vos
Met dank aan
Christina Hauge

Afstudeervoorstelling van: Sieger Baljon, Indra Cauwels, Nina Fokker, Eva Kijlstra, Julie Solberg, Sus Verbruggen, Sanne de Wit (Mime Opleiding) en Sanne de Vos (opleiding Productie Podiumkunsten)

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