Mime: La Casa M.

Friday 31 March 2023, 19:00 - 22:00 hrs.
Academie voor Theater en Dans
Jodenbreestraat 3
1011 NG Amsterdam

La Casa (The Home) is a large, extensive, diverse and complex project full of
ramifications, formats and works, which Aitana Cordero has been developing for the
last 7 years, in different countries and with different groups of people.
This project revolves around an idea of how we create and inhabit common spaces,
new families and share intimacy. La Casa asks How to destroy a theater, how to
build a house, us, in a strong together.
La Casa is a search, a deal, an adventure, a voluntary disaster, a practice that denies the "always is never possible."
La Casa is recycling, accumulation, alchemy, transformation, it is a collective giving birth. The intimacy of touching a space and letting a space touch you.
The art of demolition, the choreography of cementing, the movement of the bird making its own nest, the solidity of the ruins, destruction as a constructive ritual.

We touch 
we break 
we build 
we break
we are broken 
we build 
they break us
we build
you broke us
we care 
we care
we care
we demolish
we care
we are broken
we break
in pieces 
we care 
we break
we are broken 
in pieces
we are
we break
we care
we care
we care we care we care we care
we build
we touch.

You can make your reservations online. Click on the day of your choice and follow the instructions:
Friday 31 March - 19:00 hrs. 

This presentation is a work in progress. The piece will have a duration from 1,5 hours to 3 hours. With a break in between where people can leave or rest. Drinks will be served.

Aitana Cordero

Jonathan Vermeiren 
Noa Azcargorta Cabacés 
Maureen Vrijdag 
Nina Peruško
Estela Canal Parejo 
Fran Vozila
Thomas Kraft
Students from mime 2 and 3
Last songs from Fran MM Cabeza de Vaca

Light and technique: Roan Lo-a-Njoe
Sound and technique: Geert Oddens

Production manager: Dorothea Sinnema
A big thank you and our love to Daan and Judith from decor department and to everybody that patiently helps to make this possible and supported the project and its complexities. Thanks you as well and our love to the Mime department.
