Mountain(‘s) Views: exchanging thoughts on life & death, grief & mourning of mountains & glaciers

S†ëfan  will lead participants in an informal sharing of his research practices around mountains and glaciers. We will start with a screening of the documentary "Not Ok (A little movie about a small glacier at the end of the world)”  by anthropologists Cymene Howe and Dominic Boyer and then exchange thoughts on life and death, grief and mourning in relation to mountains and glaciers.  If you wish, you are invited to think beforehand if there is a mountain or glacier you feel a relation (closer or far) with and bring this thought with you.


Dates, times and location:
Tuesday 30th January
Meet at De Punt (above reception) at Academie voor Theater en Dans, Jodenbreestraat 3, Amsterdam

Participating artist(s):
S†ëfan Schäfer is an Amstedam-based speculative designer and artistic researcher and started in June 2023 his professional doctorate at DAS Research. ‘Breaking Apart Together: Performing speculative design with dying mountains and glaciers’. He investigates what role speculative design can play in enabling humans and non-humans to face and respond to the death of glaciers and mountains, linking speculative design to performance and commemorative ritual.

Reservation / admission:
Please click here to register

