Empathic chamber #0
Yasmine Hugonnet
June Works 2023
From copying to empathy, what are the movements?
Is this what looks like us? The piece plays with the desires for “common”, in the langages, in the space. It wishes to share the inventiveness and beauty of the state we are in, when we are learning, or in an appropriation process. It is for instance a composition of two distinct presences: a person who plunges into the adventure of the gesture to generate the movement, i.e. a "source" person . And another person, an empathic “double” who can move along the entire creative scale that exists between non-participatory observation to the formal and totally faithful imitation of the language of the “source”. What do I recognize, what do I want to appropriate? It is a question of exploring the stakes of the appropriation of the other’s language by an affective and mimetic empathy. To sense the nascent gesture, to pursue it, to deduce it, to precede it, to induce it…. The performance is based on the tools developed as part of my ongoing research on the concomitance of stillness and movement and voice, on attention and the practice of reciprocity. I will be part of a serie of works that will research upon the Empathy.
Concept & choreography: Yasmine Hugonnet in collaboration with the dancers
Assistant choreographer: Stephanie Bayle
Repetitor: Vivianne Rodrigues de Brito
Dancers: Bryan Nurhakim, Dicko-Andrea Din, Grėtė Vosyliūtė, Jimi Dormans, Pedro Afonso da Silva Sampaio Soares Machado and Peer Jonkers
Choreographer - Yasmine Hugonnet
Yasmine Hugonnet is a dancer, ventriloquist, choreographer and researcher. She is interested in the relationship between form, image and sensation, in the germination of the imagination, in the(de)construction of languages, in the process of incarnation and appropriation. Born in Switzerland, she studied at the Conservatoire National Supérieur en Danse Contemporaine de Paris, and then did the "Dance Unlimited" Master degree in The Netherlands in 2003. She lived and worked in several countries (Taiwan, Norway, France) before to create her own company in Lausanne, Switzerland in 2010.
Winner of the Swiss Dance Prize twice, first in 2017 for “The Récital des Postures” and in 2021 for «La Peau de l’Espace”. Her work first based on solos, alternated with group pieces from 2016. The company Arts Mouvementés-Yasmine Hugonnet is accompanied by Theatre de Vidy in Lausanne since 2017 and regularly invited to numerous theatres and international festivals. The company created in 2022 “Jeux de perception” a cycle of research and conferences addressed to the young artists. Yasmine Hugonnet developed a large specter of practices that can be used from improvisation to composition, she is regularly sharing them with professional dancers throughout Europe.