The Well

Sound and choreography by Fernanda Libman
Advised by Bruno Listopad & Jija Sohn
My work exists in the dialogue between audio and matter. By creating ecology through sound what I wish for is to build passages that can allow the experience to unfold in active relation with the subjectivity of the ones that encounter it.
To see sound, to feel time, to experience image, to eat questions.
To be able to hold thoughts in your hands.
To facilitate a softer touch between the unknowable and the actual.
I navigate in the tension lines traced, in the in between.
I ask myself what is using my body to get concrete. What are the forces that don’t own form and that needs my materiality in order to manifest. Time passes through my body and narrative happens.
I carry things
To become other things
To become other things
To become me
To become meetings
To become me-things
My hands
Covering roofs made of candle lights
From the well of darkness
Slowly ascends faceless strangers
Eyelids flickering, music paralysed
Until anger became understanding, eyes burned with rage.
Take my eyes
Movement happens from the echo of what is loud by being rather imperceptible. And I keep on becoming, shape after shape, trying to fit the puzzle that surrounds me. Fitting by unfitting. Building contour. Defining to redefine. Amalgamating with invisible matter, with forces that are much bigger by being much smaller than what I can grasp.
And if I say "I" it's because I dare not say "you;' or "we" or "one" : I'm forced to the humility of personalising myself belittling myself but I am the are-you.
- Clarice Lispector