Tis Aly

Tis Aly

DAS Choreography

Kuirass – spirituality as a political path of liberation

My research is centered on unveiling practices, finding out, discovering, and in contact with  individuals, groups, and collectives that relate spiritual practices to queerness concerning political projects of liberation, solidarity, and sustainability, bridging the performance art fields into realms of intangible kuir endeavors.  enabling other narratives than the dominant ones to emerge and strive. Looking into strategies to contaminate the art scene with the poor, the precarious, the unfinished, the un-sofitiscated, and illiterate, seeking to dismantle the continuous power relation of domination of whiteness in art and the artistry, the level of excellence imposed by it and other forms of oppression.

The project is to seek modes, and procedures that connect performativity with a sensorial grasp into spiritual modes of existing. Individuals, groups, and collectives which design ways out of neo-liberal reproduction of states of happiness and final products to fulfill the ever-growing market of precarity and exclusion, within and without the art market. Thou, the search for this spiritual path is not to redeem white’s people colonial guilt, nor to fulfill their shelves of art institutions with racialized consumable bodies, but to find common ground where resistance can flourish as a form of existing, and aesthetics merge out of uncertainty.

It's a way to create dialogues with the ancestors from the future and unpolished resources of energy.  Calling upon spirits of animist's features and the logic that do not follow the violence of the binary system, nor nuclear binary, the hetero normative idea of belonging. Thus, translating into performances, actions, and procedures of healing forces and regenerative energies. Celebrating and allowing dances to exist beyond the visible and cognitive.

Aly’s trajectory is connected to the independent art scene and the struggle of precarity in arts and in their immigration path. Based in Berlin, coming from the Terra Pindorama – Tis Aly is a multi-media artist working in site-specific performances and dance-based environments looking into topics like the ecology of the senses, decolonial practices, and engaged art around kuirass and projects of collectivities. Their solo performances have been shown in various contexts of the European Union, as well in Brazil and Asia. Alumni of UNIDEE – Pistoletto Foundation and holder of scholarships from Life Long Burning and funded bodies in the context of Germany. Besides its achievement, the artist as others still deals with the precarity of the art market, the uncertainty of the present future, and the situation of profiling while being a racialized body in Europe.

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