Hearin Jeong

Hearin Jeong

DAS Theatre

Hearin Jeong is a theatermaker from South Korea and the founder of the theater collective Lunder & Thightning. Her work explores the moments before and after a story is told in theater. Through Lunder & Thightning, she collaborates with creators from diverse backgrounds, exploring how theater connects people to the world through theater. For her, collaboration means sharing ways to sustain temporary connections toward a common good. Through this, she hopes that new communities will be built that enrich connections and an arm to rest on.    

Lunder & Thightning’s ongoing series [Tolerance], reimagines the boundaries of theater by focusing on its essential elements that compose theater in the first place.

<Tolerance: Fictions> (2021) focuses on the fiction that bridges heard and untold stories through the actors’ bodies and movements.      
<Tolerance: OST> (2023) explores sound and light in conversation to listening and being heard, seeing and being seen.      
<Tolerance: Stations> (2024) portrays the stories of seven travelers, each navigating unfamiliar landscapes and expressions, creating a shared theatrical experience.      

The theater of [Tolerance] is continually evolving. It is a place where people struggle to see, hear, and speak about the scenery in their own ways. They share their landscapes and transplant those of others. In this process, our bodies become their own theaters. Stories, translated into unique languages after passing through many voices across times and spaces, meet again at our stations —in this theater, here and now.  

Life is a state where what I see and what you hear, what happens there and what is felt here, cannot be separated. Theater, perhaps, is an attempt to revive the sense of connection that fades in our lives. Confronted with the simultaneity of everything, people in the theater may suddenly start thinking about living together, about love. For one brief moment, they might even believe that what seems impossible could be possible.

Photo by: Kiriko Mechanicus

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