Iúri da Silva Costa
Iuri Costa is a young Portuguese artist working in the field of contemporary dance. He has completed his high-school dance studies in Balleteatro Porto, in Portugal. Recent graduated with a BA diploma at the Amsterdam University of arts at the course Modern Theatre Dance, where he was trained in floorwork, contact-impro, partnering, physical theatre, ballet and different modern dance techniques.
He has worked as a dancer in companies like WArd/waRD - Ann Van den Broek, Poetic Disasters Club / Club Guy & Roni, Opera Zuid, Nome Próprio and DYPTYK Cie. He worked as well among other choreographers such as Dunja Jócic, Liat Tamar Waysbort, Antonin Comeztas, Victor Hugo Pontes and José Vidal.
As a choreographer Iuri has found passion for developing systems or choreographical methods that indulge in different aspects of movement analysis and/or tension or the usage of the body itself together with rules and mathematical decisions. Through his own perspective on dance, 5 works have emerged: ‘’Beat-win’’ (2016), ‘’Random.com’’ (2017), ‘’May we toast our way up?’’ duet with Karlijn Roest (2018), ‘’A Galére for Abience’’ (2019) and most recently ‘Humanopédia’’ (2019).
In 2018, he has won a Scholarship for the ‘’Young Talent Program’’ for Art and performance course in Venice, IT.
He combines a strong physicality with an animalistic or systematic mind equally engaged for the sake of the creative process. He enjoys an open environment for ideas to flow and as a peculiar taste for violence on stage.