Keren Levi

Keren Levi

DAS Choreography

Keren Levi (Israel,1972) is a choreographer based in Amsterdam for the past fifteen years. Besides teaching training programs for professional dancers, Keren is also a regular guest teacher in the Modern Dance Department (MTD) and New Dance Development School (SNDO) at the Amsterdam School of the Arts (AHK), where she is currently undertaking a master in choreography.

Interview with Keren Levi

A practice based on repetition, attention, memory and present circumstances, foot(note)ing is a score, organised as a gamelike event. It is about the circulation of material, unfixed and developed in an accumulative process that is inspired by footnotes - a mode of interacting with, adding to and commenting on textual material.

Foot(note)ing is a mode in which I am practicing thoughts and questions in regard to the eclectic body of my work and the formation of a methodological mechanism for my choreographic work.* In order for this “methodological machine” to function, it has to be practiced and tested under different conditions and within different setups.

At this stage of my research I am in the process of formulating and articulating the score of foot(note)ing while looking into ways in which it can be shared with others both as a public event and as a studio practice. In the past six months I have practiced it in numerous contexts and with different participants. Each of those sessions offered new insights about what the practice is about and how to organise it. The different variations which I am exploring now are:

  • gamelike event
  • composition technique
  • solo practice

* Or, foot(note)ing is a vehicle in which I roam the eCleCtiC field where my choreographic practice exists in, within choice, chance and conditions.

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