The Director/Maker

Conversations on Practice*
Edition: The Director/Maker

We welcome you to our second talk in the HALf6 series Conversations on practice. This Tuesday we get to know all about the thoughts, methods and ways of 3 theatre directors/makers:

Lotte van den Berg
Joeri Vos Toneelgroep Oostpool
Bianca van der Schoot Boogaerdt/VanderSchoot, Toneelgroep Oostpool, Theater Rotterdam (from 2017)

What moves them? How did they get where they are now? And how do they see their/the future?

Come and join us in our conversation!


v. prac·ticed, prac·tic·ing, prac·tic·es

1. to do or perform habitually or customarily;
2. make a habit of to do something repeatedly in order to acquire or polish a skill;
3. to work at a profession
