The Dancer
Conversations on Practice*
The Dancer
In the HALf6 series Conversations on Practice, the edition on Tuesday 19 January is dedicated to: The Dancer.
Join us in conversation with:
Dunja Jocic (Codarts 2002) and member of Club Guy & Roni / Korzo productions
Joeri Dubbe(National Ballet Academy 2002) former dancer at Het Nationale Ballet and NDT2, choreographer of own work at Korzo productions
Marjolein Vogels (Modern Theatre Dance 2006) worked with Nicole Beutler and Arno Schuitemaker and is founder of Why Not, a contemporary dance festival
v. prac·ticed, prac·tic·ing, prac·tic·es
1. to do or perform habitually or customarily;
2. make a habit of to do something repeatedly in order to acquire or polish a skill;
3. to work at a profession