HALf6 with Juliette Binoche and Ivo van Hove

On Tuesday 14th April we proudly welcome the world famous actress Juliette Binoche and renowned director Ivo van Hove (Toneelgroep Amsterdam) as our guests. 

From 15-18 of April their Antigone production (Barbican/London) will be presented in the Stadsschouwburg Amsterdam.

We are curious to learn about their professional careers, their collaboration, the international arena, the work between theatre and film and about the choice for a contemporary adaptation of Antigone…

Moderated by Jaïr Stranders and Rosa Asbreuk.

With a column by Loek Zonneveld.

Be welcome, be prepared and take the opportunity to engage in the discussion!

With soup and drinks afterwards.


Read the column Antigones by Loek Zonneveld
