Study Programme
Mime and Acting are the study programme’s two core subjects. The mime and acting lessons are given in various forms by different teachers . This allows you to actively acquaint yourself with the full scope of the métier. Departure point for the mime lessons is mime corporel, a theory of movement that analyses the postures, actions and movements of the human body in order to develop theatrical possibilities. The mime corporel and its adaptations form the foundation of the study programme. The acting lessons are also based on movement, analysis of body language and spatiality. With this physical basis, work is devoted to imagining, experiencing and entering into a given role.
Dance, martial arts movement, acrobatics, yoga, voice and song , posture correction and movement composition make up the supporting subjects. In addition you will follow theory lessons in the following subjects: dramaturgy, theatre- and mime history and music history. All subjects serve to develop your talent towards becoming a performer and/or maker. The intensive programme demands a disciplined attitude. At the end of the study programme you must show clearly how you have developed as a performer and/or maker. You must be capable of using your specific qualities in different projects. Your talent is linked to your technical know-how, individuality, vision and fascination for mime.
Het programma
Playtime 2023
Accreditation and degree

The bachelor's programme in Mime is a track within the Bachelor Theatre. The quality of this programme has been positively assessed by the Accreditation Organisation of the Netherlands and Flanders (NVAO). This means that upon successful completion of the programme students will receive an accredited bachelor's degree in Theatre and the title Bachelor Theatre. Only accreditated degree programmes are listed in the Dutch central register of higher education programmes (CROHO).
More information on accreditation and degrees
Photos: Ben van Duin
Evaluation and supervision
Each students is evaluated at fixed occasions, three times during the propedeutic year and twice annually during the senior years. During these evaluation meetings presided over by the artistic director, teachers assess each student. After the evaluation meeting, the artistic directors discuss the evaluation and its consequences for the following semester or the new academic year, with each student in turn. Individual projects and internships are also evaluated during consultations. In this way there is non-stop, intensive contact between the study programme and the student.