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Application form Mime

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Admission and selection

Each year only a fraction of the people who apply can be admitted to the study programme. To gain access you should have a natural physique that is suited to this very physical form of theatre. You must be capable of working independently and know how to analyze and collaborate. Your acting and theatre making potential must show evidence of theatrical qualities.

Applications for the auditions must be submitted via an online application form. This form will be online in November. You will be requested to upload among other particulars, a passport photo (in .jpg, .gif or .png).

The language of the Theatre department is Dutch. In order to function up to the mark in the lessons, foreign students are required to learn, speak, write and read Dutch during their first year of study.

The deadline for applications is: 1 March 2024

The selection procedure consists of two rounds. The first round consists of one day. During the first round you will participate in various mime/theatre classes. After the first round it will be decided if you are admitted to the second round. The second round consists of two days. On the first day you will receive classes in the morning and an assignment in the afternoon, that you will have to prepare for the second day.

Selection dates:

1st round: Saturday 29 and Sunday 30 March 2025
2nd round: Saturday 5 and Sunday 6 April 2025

For more specific information please contact the Mime School at +31 20 527 7681
or by email:



Playtime 2023

Photos: Ben van Duin



Application form Mime

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