
The consciousness of being nothing in everything which is nothing, is the key to ReConnect

Or is it nothingness?
Is it an expression of presence?
Or can presence become aware of its own nothingness by feeling the nothingness within nothingness and surrendering to it?
Is it possible to stop?
Amidst all this chaos
To hear the silence
Amidst all this noise
And to be alone, truly alone
Amidst all this crowd
If you surrender your presence to nothingness
Can your presence be found within my nothingness or mine in yours?
Without expecting
Without assuming
Without understanding
And without explaining
Simply surrendering your nothingness to the nothingness itself
Perhaps a moment of truth will emerge
About which neither you nor I can speak
But we will feel it to the core
A loud presence of nothingness

"ReConnect" is a durational performance by Jay Chia Henareh, delving into the depths of nothingness. Over the course of 45 minutes, participants are confronted by the nothingness emerging from nothingness and explore the essence of presence. Serving as the concluding piece of a quintet, "ReConnect" aims to immerse participants in a realm of silence and emptiness, inviting them to pause in motion or pause the motion and cut the noise allowing the silence to emerge.

Previous works in the quintet include, with their loglines:

"Silence is not a dream": How silent are we when we are silent? An audiovisual performance questioning the depth of stillness.

"Graceful Scream": How far would you dig to reclaim and heal your rough childhood scars? An exploration of childhood trauma and healing through audiovisual performance.

"Unknown": What if what we have constructed as reality is just a framework for our existence? A short film challenging perceptions of reality.

"Divide Zero": Enter a void where time and space have no meaning. Let your imagination wander through infinity without any preconceived ideas or expectations. An immersive experience at the planetarium questioning concepts of time and space.

● No chairs available during this performance

Concept & Performance : Jay Chia Henareh*
Creative guidance : Quirine Racké & Helena Muskens
Creative support & Nothingness guide : Sipan Sezgin Tekin 
Creative support: Illy Azad

*Graduating from the Amsterdam School of Drama & Contemporary Music Theatre

Special thanks to: Yvette Fijen, Thomas spijkerman, Ingrid Wender, Adelheid Roosen, Jan Andreae, Rutger Esajas, Farnoosh Farnia, Beer Crolla

Klik op de datum en volg de instructies: 

zaterdag 8 juni 13:30 uur
zaterdag 8 juni 16:30 uur
zaterdag 8 juni 19:15 uur
