Erin Hill - Smoke and Mirrors

“Let there be a chamber wherein no other light comes, unless by the door or window where the spectator looks in. Let the whole window or part of it be of glass, as we use to do to keep out the cold. But let one part be polished, that there may be a Looking-glass on both sides, whence the spectator must look in. For the rest do nothing. Let pictures be set over against this window, marble statues and suchlike. For what is without will seem to be within, and what is behind the spectator's back, they will think to be in the middle of the house, and clearly and certainly, that they will think they see nothing but truth.”

Giambattista della Porta from the chapter ‘How we may see in a Chamber things that are not’ in Natural Magic (originally Magia Naturalis 1584)

Sunrise Commitment

From April 17 2017 to April 16 2018 I told myself I would watch the sun rise. I called this decision the Sunrise Commitment. On this May 31st 2018, from 04:30 – 05:45, I invite you to watch the sky shift from dark to light with me.

Date & tickets

Date: 30 May 2018 | 19:30 - 23:00; Isobel Dryburgh, Erin Hill, installations by Catarina Vieira and Clara Garcia Fraile /// buy ticket €5,-

Date: 30 May 2018 | 19:30 - 23:00; Ira Melkonyan, Erin Hill, installations by Catarina Vieira and Clara Garcia Fraile /// buy ticket €5,-

DAS Graduate School, Overhoeksplein 2, Amsterdam

Sunrise Commitment: You are welcome to sleepover with us after the last show, Smoke and Mirrors, or join us at 04:30 the following day in the field next to DAS Graduate School. If you want to sleepover, please bring a mat and blanket. Register:
