At DAS Theatre, investigating and developing the practice and work go hand in hand. During the first semester, we invite guests, artists and cultural practitioners, to share their way of working and engage in a conversation. Be welcome to join our How Do You Work Sessions.
- Time: 3 & 16 October 14:00 -16:30
- Entrance: free
- Location: DAS Theatre |DAS Graduate School, Overhoeksplein 2, Amsterdam
On 3 October DAS Theatre organises a How Do You Work Session with Mamela Nyamza. Nyamza is a dancer, choreographer and art activist from Cape Town. She is currently in the Netherlands in the frame of Afrovibes Festival, where she presents the duet DE-APART-HATE. In this performance, Mamela explores the limits of dance, performance and provocation, with the bible between her legs. DE-APART-HATE gives a glimpse into the current power structures of South Africa, where a cry is rising for decolonisation of culture.
On 16 October DAS Theatre organises a How Do You Work Session with Natasja van ‘t Westende. Van ’t Westende is the director of Dancing on the Edge, an Amsterdam based organisation that stimulates the exchange with the Middle East and North Africa. The focus is on contemporary theatre, dance, film, music and installations of high artistic quality. It is known from its biennial festival, which will happen this year 8-18 November.
This HDYW-session is open for an interested audience of max 10 people. Attendance is free. We have a first-come, first-serve policy. Reserve your place with an email to: You will receive a confirmation when your name is added to the list.