Juan Miranda - Pathos

The family is our closest enveloping membrane. Its interiors and domestic architecture become a mirror for those who live in it.  A speculative setting that accompanies and defines us even when far away from it.

Pathos is a six-hour performative installation in which the spectator is invited to circulate in and between two rooms that are simultaneously being operated. The conversation between these rooms, sustained by audiovisual as well as performative codes, produces a two fold experience that can impossibly be embraced in its totality, and therefore prompts questions around presence, absence, image flesh, bonds and family. 

Pathos is an ephemeral celebration of traces under natural morning light and the course of time — an extremely carnal way of relating with emotions and the ghosts of beloved ones.

“My research is triggered by the pathos that lies behind images and how this can be embraced from the scene. What makes an image present? Through my work I look for an excessive and passionate performativity, one that leads the gesture to exhaustion.”

Juan Miranda’s work sits at the intersection between theatre, visual arts, and performance. He investigates the ephemeral body of emotions, images, and flesh, and the tension created between action, presence, and space.

After accomplishing his theatre studies in Buenos Aires, he obtained a (BA) in Stage Directing and Dramaturgy at the Institut del Teatre de Barcelona. He is currently undergoing his MA at DAS Theatre with the support of “La Caixa” Foundation Fellowship.

Miranda combines his artistic practice within educational frameworks exploring other forms of transmission and knowledge in the field of Performing Arts. Since 2009 he co-directs the company Chroma Teatre in Barcelona. Until 2018, he taught at Chroma Teatre Estudi, and he is Associate Professor of the ERAM Performing Arts Degree at the University of Gerona.



Collaborators: Paula Montecinos – María García Vera - Bruno Zaffora

Tutor: Marjorie Boston

External advisor: Laura Fobbio - Takeshi Ikeda


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