relevance, rhythms, relations in global exchange

On Sunday, 9 February, we will organise: relevance, rhythms, relations in global exchange

With guest speakers Dorothy Blokland, Coco Duivenvoorde, Marcel Pinas, Nike Jonah, Schiavone Simson, Tessa van Lier and Tolin Alexander.
Language: English
From: 11:00 - 17:00
Ticket price: € 5 (lunch, coffee and tea included)
Tickets: click here
Location: DAS Creative Producing, ATD Grootlab, Overhoeksplein 2 Amsterdam

Relevance, rhythms, relations in global exchange
At this Sunday meeting you will listen to the experiences and learnings of the organisers and participants of three projects: ‘Research and exchange programme’, ‘Transforming narratives’ and ‘Power of water’. All of these projects are developed to build an infrastructure of mutual exchange beyond national borders by, for, and with creative producers.

Using these projects as example, we examine future needs and possible steps forward for creative producers to position themselves in global exchange.  

How to build reciprocal relations with creative producers in various contexts of the world?  
What is needed to exchange learnings and knowledge?  
And what do the concepts ‘relevance’ ‘rhythms’ and ‘relations’ have to do with it?  

Research and exchange programme creative producing

The ‘research and exchange programme’ aims to invest in research and exchange for creative producing in different parts of the world. In 2024 a pilot is realized, for which three creative producers have been provided a research budget to do research in their own contexts. In monthly sessions, they shared their process, interim results, and challenges.  

The programme aims to become a community of practice to collectively develop discourse, source material and a (shared) narrative about creative producing.  

Marcel Pinas – Kibii Foundation  
Nike Jonah – PACE  
Schiavone Simson – individual creative / Masterplan Zuidoost  

Transforming narratives

Transforming narratives aims to bring Dutch and Surinamese producers and artists together on an international level, to share knowledge, know-how and experiences. To realize this exchange, an interdisciplinary group of artists and producers from Amsterdam and Suriname worked together in online sessions, with the aim of learning from each other. Responding to the needs of the creatives, they discussed how the different fields of work are rationalized, and how production is done in the two countries.  

‘Transforming narratives’ is currently examining the possibility to invite artists from the Caribbean.  

Tessa van Lier – ST/Art
Tolin Alexander - Forum Tolin Toli Masanga

Power of water

‘Power of water’ is a collaboration between children’s museum Villa Zapakara (Paramaribo) and theatremaker and MA Creative Producing alumni Dorothy Blokland, supported by a.o the ATD Lectorate.

Power of Water investigates how photography, spoken word and philosophy can empower young people in Suriname and the Netherlands to re-imagine the relationship between climate change and colonialism with a focus on water. Work created by children in workshops in Surinam and the Netherlands, is at the heart of the exchange.  

'Power of Water' will expand their collaboration in 2025 with the children's museum in Curaçao.

Coco Duivenvoorde – Villa Zapakara  
Dorothy Blokland - individual artist / researcher at ATD Lectorate 
