The Trevoga collective consisting of three ATD alumni (SNDO, MTD and ECD) have won Best of Fringe Award 2023.
Alumnus Directing Igor Alvarez Cugat also won a Best of Fringe Award 2023.
11 3 8 7 – Trevoga
Trevogamixes internet culture with dance andcreates in 11 3 8 7 a dystopian virtual worldthat is correct in every detail. The performance is ominousand light at thesame time. The jury praisesTrevogaforboththe strong visualsandthe high quality of the dance. 11 3 8 7 is activist, funny, courageous, queer andFringy.
WGF: An Honorific Show of Drag – Sassi Bois / Igor Alvarez Cugat
An Honorific Show of Drag is philosophical, political, light andbrutal. This drag performance shows that a lipsync show also has a place in the theater. The audience is made part of the club setting thatthe performer creates. Duringthe performance youwill love the performer more and more. In addition, An Honorific Show of Drag tellsan important messageaboutmental health andsuicide in queer and trans communities, wrapped in a playful ode.