Afrovibes Festival 2021 brings during the 18th edition from September 28 to 10 October dance, theatre, spoken word and music, fashion, video work and art by current artists. We, students from Production and Stage Management (OPP), ATKA and Theatre in Education (Theaterdocent), created the context programme for Afrovibes Festival on the 1st of October in the Compangietheater.
We would really like to invite you all! A few performances of the festival will take place, you can check out their website for more information about the performances, and you can also experience the context program that we have created the past few weeks. The festival starts at 18:00 and will end with an afterparty untill 0:00. Immerse yourself in the different artists that the African continent has to offer!
We have created a context programme to involve the audience into the main theme of Afrovibes Shifting Spaces|Tilting Times. Three different departments of the academy have started a collaboration with the festival for the very first time. By diving into the themes of the festival they created a couple experiences to bring depth into an evening full of performances. They started from their own fascinations so they could reach a younger audience.
Over het Festival:
Het festival is in 12 theaters in Amsterdam, Utrecht, Rotterdam en Den Bosch. De kracht van verandering plaatst Afrovibes dit jaar op de voorgrond. Het internationale programma met radicaliteit, spannend werk en experiment uit Namibiƫ, Zuid-Afrika, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Tanzania, Oeganda, VS, Zwitserland en uit Nederland komt in het thema Shifting Spaces| Tilting Times tot leven. De kunstenaars werken op het breukvlak van grote veranderingen. Klimaat, grenzen, Black Lives Matter, democratie, alles lijkt te schuiven en kantelen. Voor hen zijn de grote verschuivingen in onze wereld en kantelingen in ons leven ook een afrekening met het verleden. Zij laten zien dat deze afrekening nodig is om onze manier van denken in het heden te veranderen. Wie neemt ruimte in, wie maakt plaats?
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