During the 14 hour long This is H:OURS manifestation held at de Theaterschool on 13 November 2015, Liliane Brakema - who graduated from the Theatre Direction Study Programme in 2015 - received the André Veltkamp Grant 2015. The Jan Kassies Grants were awarded to Scenography student Anouk van Kolfschoten, Anne van der Burg, a student at the Amsterdamse Toneelschool&Kleinkunstacademie, Tiana Hemlock, student SNDO/School for New Dance Development, Daria Hlinkina, student Modern Theatre Dance, Robert Prein, Urban Contemporary/JMD student and Varja Klosse who studies Technical Theatre Arts.
The André Veltkamp Grant is a new award instituted by de Theaterschool. On 13 November 2015 Charlotte Lap, theatre maker and widow of André Veltkamp and Valerie Veltkamp, André's daughter, handed out the award for the first time. Leonard Frank, chairman of the Stichting Fondsen de Theaterschool, presented the Jan Kassies Awards.
The nomination committee for the André Veltkamp Award 2015 gave the following motivation for choosing Liliane Brakema:
“Liliane has been awarded the prize for her graduation production De Wilde Eend, an intelligently directed, contemporary performance that not only appeals to the senses but is also very moving. Liliane Brakema has a singular view of man and his world, devoid of history, without a future and therefore sans betterment. She magnifies the everyday in order to compare it to prehistory and the future. Liliane’s forte as director lies in her cautious use of dramatic revelation and the electric fusing and pulsation of all theatrical means at her disposal. She employs a transparent and open style of acting in a mise-en-scène that has a natural feel but is simultaneously artificial.”
About the André Veltkamp Grant 2015
The grant is named after André Veltkamp, director of de Theaterschool from 1997 to 2010. The André Veltkamp Grant is intended for a Theaterschool graduation production that distinguishes itself through its engagement with society today and warrants an audience outside de Theaterschool. There is special focus on the craftsmanship of the maker, individuality, intensity and authenticity. The winner receives a sum of € 1.000 and made to measure productional support for the continuation of the production. The André Veltkamp Grant nomination committee consists of theatre maker Charlotte Lap, Erik Lint and Laurens Runderkamp, both members of the Management Team of de Theaterschool. Among other parties, the grant has been made possible by the Pisuisse Prijs Fonds.
About the Jan Kassies Grants
The Jan Kassies Grants are named after the first director of de Theaterschool in the 1970’s and have in part been made possible by the Hanny Veldkamp Fonds. The Grants are specifically intended for Theaterschool students who due to financial problems have trouble in successfully completing their studies. The Jan Kassies Grants consist of a subsidy for part of the final year tuition fees.