Water Walk ‘Agua es Futuro!’

Friday 06 October 2023, 15:00 - 16:00 hrs.
DAS Graduate School
Overhoeksplein 2
1031 KS Amsterdam

In her artistic work, Mexican-Chilean-Austrian artist and choreographer Amanda Piña explores relations between the loss of cultural and biological diversity. Her multi-perspective research developed with students of the first and second year of the master studies at DAS Theatre, and on her 5th volume of research Danzas Climáticas, can be experienced in two public events hosted as part of the project Climate Imaginaries at Sea: «Water Talks» on September 28, 18.00-21.30 at DAS Graduate School, and in a public walk titled Agua es Futuro! through the Waterleidingduinen on October 6, 15.00 - 20.00. At these two events, the open exchange format will provide a place for encounters between artistic research, indigenous knowledge, activism and scientific research.

Various local experts from the fields of benthic ecology, water governance, geoscience and critical ocean studies provide insights into their disciplines and share their view of the world using the example of the complex delta of the Netherlands and the specific territory of the Waterleidingduinen. These experts enter into dialogue with Amanda Piña´s praxis articulated through The School of Mountains and Waters*. Together they create an exchange weaving artistic, scientific, experiential and indigenous perspectives and responses that aims at challenging traditional hierarchies in forms of knowledge and thought. In dialogue with the audience, the «Water Talks», reflect and speculate on present and future relationships between water, mountains, people, animals, wetlands and forests, allowing us to re-think value systems and at the same time design old new alternatives.

*The School of Mountains and Waters is a school of unlearning the modern/colonial idea of the human as pre-existent and separate from that which sustains its life. The different activities of the school invite to establish caring relationships between human bodies and bodies of mountains, glaciers and water. nadaproductions.at/index/escuela-de-las-montanas-y-las-aguas

*Please register here if you would like to attend the Water Talks
register here if you would like to attend the Water Walk 'Agua es Futuro!'

Thursday September 28: Water Talks
Start event: 18.00
End event: 21.30
Location: DAS Graduate School, Overhoeksplein 2, Amsterdam (north)
Soup and snacks available during the break


Friday October 6: Public Walk ‘Agua es Futuro!’
Amsterdamse Waterleidingduinen, 1e Leijweg 2, Vogelenzang
15.00: departure with organized transport from DAS Graduate School, Overhoeksplein 2, Amsterdam
20.00: return at Overhoeksplein 2, Amsterdam
The walk will proximately be 2,5 hours.
