5TO12 - Team
Now 5TO12 is a small crew made of students and alumni that engage and discuss with each other about how to give words / sound / visuals to the experiences concerning institutional racism at the AHK and after that, in the world.
The 5TO12 team currently consists of the following people:
- Toni Blackwell, student Theatre in Education full-time
- Janne Igbuwe, Visual Arts Teacher student
- Glynnis Bergen, student Production and Stage Managemant
- Barbara Willemsen, alumnus Theatre in Education, fast track
- Tomas Leijen, alumnus Theatre in Education full-time
- Daphne Masé, student Mime
- Anna Koevoets, student Theatre in Education full-time
- Belle Lammers, student Production and Stage Managemant
- Lindsey Vroom, student Theatre in Education full-time
- Agri Issa, student Mime
If you want to join 5TO12, please send an email to 5voor12@ahk.nl