Sîpan Sezgin Tekin

Sîpan Sezgin Tekin

DAS Theatre

Sîpan Sezgin Tekin, born in Amed/Kurdistan in 1996 and now based in TR/NL, is a performer, theater maker, and actor. As an artist and nomad, Tekin's exploration of meaning is expressed through a fusion of performance, choreography, sound, and documentary, drawing from an oral tradition of narrative and storytelling. His work provides dynamic reflections on political and existential realities, weaving together mythological and real stories to craft experimental narrative performances that blur the boundaries between fiction and reality. Tekin examines the political dynamics of language as a power dynamic and delves into identity politics, exploring themes of multilingualism and the embodiment of language in performance for enhanced accessibility and narrative diversity. His artistic inquiry focuses on the embodied communicative and sensory potential of language, aiming to create immersive theatrical and performative experiences.

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