De Mime Opleiding presenteert Playtime. Een klein festival met werk dat eigen is en prikkelt. Werk dat gezien mag worden door een breder en groter publiek.
Vanaf woensdag 19 april t/m zaterdag 22 april 2023 waren er meerdere voorstellingen per avond te zien in Frascati 3 en 4.
De afstuderende studenten die aan Playtime deelnamen zijn: Jesse Debille, Olga Tsyganova, Clara Ottignon, Sjaid Foncé, Tim van Dongen en Kirsty Baker.
Programma wo 19 & do 20 april
h, serieus? - Jesse Debille
Frascati 3, 19.00
He has always been there or here or both at the same time.
It’s never clear
But some say
There's a chance he will meet one day.
Let’s see
Or not
Frascati 4, 20:30
It is with truly unabashed glee that Kirsty Baker presents:
there's something about tea
(Please expect collective delight and genuine enthrallment. The occurrence of mild confusion is not to be excluded.)
NOT YET HERE - Sjaid Foncé
Frascati 4, 21:35
In NOT YET HERE the body ascends from there and then, curving “reality” and energy of matter.
A blueprint for doing and other ways of being.
Inspired by afro-futurism and folklore of the Afro-Caribbean diaspora.
Programma vr 21 & za 22 april
birds only fly on friday - Tim van Dongen
Frascati 3, 19.00
an ode to standing still
about flying
about always wanting to flight
about falling
about rising
about losing
about winning
about searching and never finding
about giving (up)
about love
about life
tell yourself
that birds only fly on Friday
Radio Silence - Olga Tsyganova
Frascati 3, 19.45
Traveling to old bunkers, underground cellars, vacant cafes, hidden realms, this live radio show performance mixes elements of dance and song together with a wobbly synthesizer sound.
On top of the cherry - Clara Ottignon
Frascati 4, 21.00
- Year