Dance short film: Boxed II

BOXED II is a short dance film which is created from thoughts about society putting us human beings, whether conscious or not, into different groups or what we call 'boxes'. We get easily labelled by our appearance, the way we communicate and how we live our lives. But who created those different boxes and which individuals are in charge of them? I do believe that we are the ones creating society's boxes ourselves. Our human brain learns from saving information that it gets from the outside world and therefore we created a collective brain, even though individuals may not agree with it. Changing certain subjects within that knowledge is possible but takes time to make it happen. 

The dance film is an extraction of a live perfromance we started creating in December 2019 and only got to finish in August 2020.

Dancers: Björn Bakker and Lucie Delsus
Choreography, Video Editing, Stage and Costume Design: Björn Bakker
Cinematograpy: Janai Bart
Music Composer: Freerk Lenselink


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