Niek Vanoosterweyck
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Movement makes me question, tackle or reshape what is agreed upon. I place my body in a position of uncertainty. Therefor I am able to perform intuitively. To discover and share vulnerable agreements.
I am a movement based performance artist.
In my work I use technology to form the systems of agreements.
These systems limit my freedom of movement.
I challenge my own creations. I question what is made.
How do we deal with an invisible border? How do we find freedom within a given ‘reality’? What are the consequences of our actions?
Niek Vanoosterweyck (° 1997 Antwerp) is a graduate from the Mime department of the Amsterdamse Hogeschool voor de Kunst (academie voor theater en dans). He completed Word-Art Drama in Antwerp. In addition to his studies, he followed the three-year preparatory course at Theaterwerkplaats NEST.
With his graduation project TANZMANSCHINE he successfully completed the Mime Education.
Determined - Johannes Bellinkx
- Projects
TANZMANSCHINE is a 45 minute performance installation. The installation is a 5 by 5 meter cage divided in 9 squares of light. Around the squares there is scaffolding tube. In the square Niek is searching his way through the system of light and sound.
Next to the performing space there is an extensive technical setup. There is no one behind this setup. The installation runs itself.
The soundscape is dark, shamanic, uncompromising hard techno. The system pressures the performer into a merciless inescapable journey. The movement of the performer is based on the light dramaturgy and vice versa. The audience can experience it from close by or a distance they prefer.
Regarding the Pain of Others - Zoe Demoustier
The Place To Be - Performancegroep ROTOR
Allemaal Mensen - Oostpool