THIRD Annual Forum 2024
The 5th Group of Companions
Friday 18 October 2024, 18-20:30 CET / 12-2:30 EST / 9-11:30 PST online
Saturday 19 October 2024, 12:00 - 17:00 at DAS Graduate School (Overhoeksplein 2, Amsterdam)
The 5th Group of Companions of THIRD - Bita Bell, Kai Hazelwood, Paula Montecinos Oliva and Flavia Pinheiro - invite audiences into their research on Friday 18 October and Saturday 19 October in an ongoing presentation, as well as performances, conversations, a virtual world and a Sonic Playground.
The Friday program, hosted by Kai Hazelwood, takes place online. On Saturday afternoon, Bita Bell, Paula Montecinos Oliva and Flavia Pinheiro will share their research at DAS Graduate School in Amsterdam.
To sign up for the online Friday program, please click here.
To sign up for the Saturday program at DAS Graduate School, please click here.
Please sign up before 17 October.
Access information for DAS Graduate School can be found here:
If you have any access questions about the location or the program, please email:
Friday 18 October, online
18-20:30 CET / 12-2:30 EST / 9-11:30 PST
The Shed by Kai Hazelwood
Join us for a virtual playground inspired by snakes and creatures who shed their skin! You will be invited to choose your own adventure through a beautiful virtual world created by our friends at Garden where you can slow dance with snakes, play with reptile time, read, watch, and/or listen to a collection of experiences created by Kai Hazelwood over the last two years at DAS Graduate School. Attendance is free, but please RSVP to receive instructions on how to access the virtual world of GatherTown and more details on what to expect.
Saturday 19 October, DAS Graduate School
THIRD invites you to a light vegetarian lunch to start the program. Vegan and gluten-free options available (please specify during sign-up).
Sonic Feminist Fabulations ~ Radio broadcast performance
Episode # 0 (zero)
Part 1: Sonic Playground
Audience members and sonic practitioners are invited into a sonic playground where you can try out improvisation techniques and haptically learn about the potentials of DIWO electromagnetic apparatuses, low-frequencies sounds, and fuzzy-whispering environments.
You are welcome to drop in, linger, rest a while, wander and leave when you want to. It is recommended to bring headphones connected to a smartphone for this session. For remote listening, you can tune into the broadcasted via the website
Throughout the afternoon you are invited to spend time with the research of each of the Companions at your own pace.
You can read Bita Bell’s zine publication ‘containing multitudes, at times fragmented’. Read more about the publication here.
The day after The Shed by Kai Hazelwood, it will be possible to experience traces and sheddings from the evening before, as well as the process leading up to the gathering. Read more about The Shed here.
You can tune into Sonic Feminist Fabulations’ Episode # 0 (zero) by Paula Montecinos Oliva at DAS Graduate School or via the website Read more about the full radio broadcast here.
Flavia Pinheiro will show how her research Mimosa has developed over the past two years in three different video works and a mini publication. Read more about Mimosa here.
MIMOSA, an ‘in vitro - pill’ performance embodying the essence of Flavia Pinheiro’s ongoing research Mimosa. The performance is presented three times.
Sonic Feminist Fabulations ~ Radio broadcast performance
Episode # 0 (zero)
Part 2: conversation with Megan Hoetger
Paula Montecinos Oliva and Megan Hoetger delve into the conversational form. Through their dialogue, they experiment with the potentials of speaking – quoting, paraphrasing, conversing, improvising – as a topography of sonic textures, uttered between their delays, repetitions, and the noise that binds them
You are welcome to drop in, linger, rest a while, wander and leave when you want to. It is recommended to bring headphones connected to a smartphone for this session. For remote listening, you can tune into the broadcasted via the website
MIMOSA, an ‘in vitro - pill’ performance embodying the essence of Flavia Pinheiro’s ongoing research Mimosa. The performance is presented three times.
Collective reading and listening to the zine publication containing multitudes, at times fragmented by Bita Bell followed by an informal conversation.
Read more about ‘containing multitudes, at times fragmented’ here.
MIMOSA, an ‘in vitro - pill’ performance embodying the essence of Flavia Pinheiro’s ongoing research Mimosa. The performance is presented three times.
Celebratory closing of the day.