Grief and Listening gathering

To be alive is to be with grief, and yet many communities have lost connection with the rituals and public gatherings that allow us to support each other in our grieving. Sometimes, it feels like grief has no place within the academy. And yet, even as the institution tries to contain us, our grief, rage, and suffering are everywhere. Throughout January, seven artist-researchers will be hosting extended moments in which we might collectively acknowledge the impossible feelings of this moment. Join us for this evening gathering in which we will share food, listening, and slow conversation. 

Dates, times and location:
Thursday 11th January 2024
6-8pm (includes food and drinks) 
ATD library, 4th floor, Jodenbreestraat 3 

Participating artist(s):

Each of the artist-researchers within Research Month’s Grief and Listening collective will be present during this evening gathering, which will be hosted by ATD researcher Rajni Shah. 

  • Kai Hazelwood is a transdisciplinary disabled artist, educator, event producer, and public speaker raising the profile of bi+/queer and BIPOC community issues through art projects, community events, writing and public speaking. 
  • Paulina Trejo Mendez is an artist, writer, lecturer and researcher with a PhD on Development Studies. Their work crosses disciplinary boundaries. Some of the topics they work on are: decolonial feminism, decoloniality, Latin American feminist art and decolonizing healing. 
  • Phoebe Osborne is an artist living and working on the unceded lands of the Lenape people currently referred to as Queens, NY. As a multi-hyphenated thinker and practitioner in the fields of visual arts and dance, Phoebe is forever returning to the means by which artistic praxis can enact queer events. Their work with performance, video, sound, and sculpture traces the errant paths of queer life, engaging urgent questions about queer modes of care.  
  • Rajni Shahhas been making performance since 1999. They are queer, quiet, trans non-binary, and a feminist killjoy. They care about listening and gathering as creative and political acts. They are currently a Researcher with the ATD Lectorate, and tutor on the THIRD programme at DAS.  
  • RaoniMuzho Saleh is a choreographer/performer based in Amsterdam. His work is influenced by fugitivity, a revolutionary movement that shapes his artistic vision. By dancing through the gender spectrum, Raoni has developed a unique movement practice that emphasises “becoming other”, a continuous state of incompleteness. 
  • Sofia Araujo de Ornelas dos Santos Pintois a performer, physio, teacher, and researcher. She is exploring and trialing ways of grasping what hinders and what fosters movement and creative practice. Sofia is the coordinator for Health &Performance and a physical fitness teacher at the ATD. 
  • S†ëfan Schäfer is an Amstedam-based speculative designer and artistic researcher and started in June 2023 his professional doctorate at DAS Research. ‘Breaking Apart Together: Performing speculative design with dying mountains and glaciers’. He investigates what role speculative design can play in enabling humans and non-humans to face and respond to the death of glaciers and mountains, linking speculative design to performance and commemorative ritual. 

Reservation / admission:
Please click here to register
