Teaching to Transgress: an open meeting of the Embodied Knowledge group

Dates/times:January 25, 2-5pm
Location/s:  DAS Graduate School
Contributors: EKTD teacher-researchers

The Embodied Knowledge in Theatre and Dance Group is a Research group that consists of 12 teachers from various departments in the ATD, and is led by performance researcher and ATD teacher Marijn de Langen (Mime school). We design and share investigations around the embodied knowledge that we work with in our teaching practices, the research we do flows back into our teaching practices.
Are you interested to join a meeting? On January 25, 14-17 we have an open meeting and you are most welcome to join us. We dedicate this meeting to discussing the book Teaching to transgress: education as the practice of freedom, by bell hooks (Routledge, 1994). Everyone is invited to prepare by reading (parts of) the book before coming to the meeting. On the other hand, you may also come without any preparation, all welcome!

Register: please send an email to marijndelangen@ahk.nl
Link: https://www.atd.ahk.nl/en/das-research/groups/embodied-knowledge-in-theatre-and-dance/



