The summer academy WE LIVE HERE is a platform for artistic encounters initiated by Nicole Beutler, Marijke Hoogenboom and Andrea Božić, with a sixth edition in 2016. Artists, thinkers and other creatives meet each other to exchange ideas and share their work practices. During this sixth edition we focuse on ‘time’. Together with Mala Kline and her vision on dreams we explore different aspects of this theme. This year, WE LIVE HERE is invited to organize the academy at DAS Graduate School in Amsterdam-Noord.
The program consists of work sessions, HOW DO YOU WORK? talks and lectures. Furthermore, WE LIVE HERE participants lunch and dine together and visit several performances in Julidans and Over het IJ Festival.
WE LIVE HERE is produced by NBprojects, DAS Research and TILT. For this years editions we work together with Nienke Scholts, Veem House for performance and DAS Graduate School (de Theaterschool). We are supported by the Performing Arts Fund (FPK), the Amsterdam Arts Fund (AFK), Julidans and Goethe Instituut.
The summer academy takes on a slightly different shape each year. For this year’s edition we invited Mala Kline to set up a study room where we will together experiment with time. We will do so through collective reading sessions. These expanded reading sessions on time consist of: reading of texts about the troubling aspects of time; dreaming exercises, which enable transformative experience and use of time; contributions by several guests that tackle the problem of time from diverse perspectives and through diverse media; looking at artworks that sculpt time in specific ways; and finally collective discussions as a catalyst for processing the issues, ideas, and images of time. If time is an “agent for subjective, social and political transformation” how do we tap into its transformative potential? This week will be an exercise in profanation; an exercise in profaning time. We think together by dreaming together. We think time, our expropriated relation and use of time, by feeling and imagining it. Perhaps our experimenting with time gives us a sense of another possible relation with it, an idea of its use that allows us to produce time differently.
Mala Kline is a performer, choreographer and writer. She holds MA in theater (DasArts, Amsterdam) and PhD in philosophy (UL, Ljubljana). She is an artistic researcher at a.pass research center in Brussels and a volunteer post-doc researcher at Faculty of Arts and Philosophy (UG) as well as a member of S:PAM research center in Gent. She is a certified practitioner and teacher of Saphire™ practice (SOI, NYC). All her artistic and theoretical work is embedded in the practice of dreaming. In her author-based choreographic works she uses Saphire™ to facilitate individual and communal dreaming in order to create unique singular worlds weaved from and generated through the language of our dreaming. She has a private practice in Brussels and teaches Saphire™ internationally, in diverse educational, research and production contexts and settings.
Next to the session with Mala Kline, specialists busy with the subject are invited for lectures and conversations. We will start the week with an excursion outside of Amsterdam and we will visit performances at Julidans Festival as part of the research.