In Pursuit of Otherwise Possibilities: a Symposium on Queer Performance Pedagogy and Feedback

Dates: 11 & 12 May 2022
Location/s: ATD Amsterdam, Jodenbreestraat 3, Club Church Amsterdam (TBC)
Contributors: Szymon Adamczak, Glynnis Bergen, Paula Chaves Bonilla, Dynno Dada, Dr. Eva Hayward, Carolina Maciel de Franca, Marleen Hendrickx, Mario Lopez, Kopano Maroga, Maneo Mohale, Paula Montecinos, Flavia Pinheiro, Panagiotis Panagiotakopoulos (Taka Taka), Fazle Shairmahomed, Eli Steffen, Mavi Veloso, and more.
Description: IPOP is hosting a two-day programme of students, artists, practitioners and thinkers involved in queer world building. Aiming to propagate a communal inquiry into modalities for supporting queer performance and giving and receiving feedback in and out of educational institutions. To foster an open, non-hierarchical approach to queer research, the form of presentations within the symposium will be varied and open and will include lectures, workshops, performances, and other structures as proposed by the presenters.
Topics include: coloniality and queerness; biomythography, critical fabulations and disidentification as queer performance practices; queering feedback lenses, methodologies, best practices; tranimacies: alternative engagements with the other as pedagogical practice; Drag Mothering, care, kinship and education.
Although we prefer people to stay the whole day, coming to specific events is more than welcome.
Find out more about the contributors.
To register:
Facebook event:
This project is supported by Medezeggenschap Quality agreements,
Participation Council of the ATD Platform 2025 and DAS Research.
More about IPOP:
IPOP artistic coordinators are Elioa Steffen and Szymon Adamczak, alums of DAS Theatre. This project is supported by Medezeggenschap Quality agreements, Participation Council of the ATD Platform 2025 and DAS Research. Visual identity: Studio Pieter Jan Boterhoek.
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