boycow or The Minotaur, or 10 Acts (1-5), or Bullshit, or Following Beauty and the Beast by Amanda Apetrea & Halla Ólafsdóttir (2013)

22 April: 18:30-20:00 CORNELIUS - boycow durational act - no reservation necessary
22 April: 20:15-21:15 CORNELIUS - boycow - reservation required
23 April: 18:30-20:00 CORNELIUS - boycow durational act - no reservation necessary
23 April: 20:15-21:15 CORNELIUS - boycow - reservation required
By Cornelius (DAS Chorography) with Gabriele Christian
boycow is a dance solo for two bodies in two rooms. The audience will be invited to move between the two rooms following their own interest and curiosity.
boycow begins with a durational act outside the bounds of the “showtime”. This act takes place from 18:30 to 20:00, is optional, and can be visited at anytime. A reservation is not necessary.
boycow continues at 20:15. There will be a short introduction in the kitchen area and the audience will be guided to the rooms. For this portion of the performance, a reservation is required.
boycow is acts 1-5 of a larger research project; 10 Acts. 10 Acts (Act 6), 1,000 Confetti Cannons, Clear Sight Correct Action was conceived of in 2019 when Cornelius entered DAS. It was staged in 2021 in San Francisco. Read about it here. Acts 7-10 are yet to be created.
Content note:boycow has nudity and sexual content.
Documentation: a videographer will be present to document the presentation on Monday April 22.
a photographer will be present to document the presentation on Tuesday April 23.
Due to the arrangement of the room, audience members may appear in the documentation.
Conceived and Choreographed by Cornelius in collaboration with Gabriele Christian.
With text by: Euripides, Ovid, Becket, FKA Twigs and Cornelius and Gabriele.
Mentor: Eroca Nicols
Cornelius is a conceptual artist currently working in poetics, choreography, image and objects. Their work trembles between genres, and is densely implicitly queer (stop asking) and political (stop asking). They started walking on stage on purpose at age 5, and by accident since then. They’ve made shows in lots of places (Sweden, Ireland, Germany, Switzerland, United States), and with lots of people (you know who you are).,,
Gabriele Christian (b. 1991) is an Oakland-based conceptual artist and descendent of stolen folk experimenting within somatic practices, language, performance composition, video production and community arts facilitation to locate and center BlaQ (Black and Queer) experience, vernaculars and aesthetics as wellsprings for radical futurity. They have collaborated and presented internationally (Tanzfabrik, Berlin; ImPulsTanz ATLAS, Vienna; Karachi; Johannesburg; The Watermill Center, New York City; Edinburgh Fringe Festival). They are a founding member of Bay Area performance collectives and land projects: RUPTURE; OYSTERKNIFE; and BlaQyard.