a film by ECD student Amisha Kumra

"Decolonizing the mind to me means to deconstruct thoughts, preferences and values by addressing, understanding, confronting, re-experiencing patterns in all types of scenarios. 

In this process we researched how moments from our childhood are still present in our day to day decision making and how that reflects our decisions while moving. Together with movers with different cultural background, heritage, social environments, ages, genders and languages we planted a small seed in how this movement research can be developed further. We were busy with recalling memories regarding communication in relations from our childhood. How did our parents talk to us? How did they compare us or punish us if we did something wrong? What music did we listen to as children? How did these influences create certain realities and colonial ways of thinking? The goal was not to create a healing therapy, but rather find a new engine to a movement vocabulary which comes from within. We had a beautiful process together and it was captured by Charlie Smeets, parts of it has been edited into a short documentary."
