Read 2024 THIRD Annual Forum Report: Paula Montecino Olivia’s Sonic Feminist Fabulations By Amelia Groom here

Sonic Feminist Fabulations ~ Performative radio broadcast
Episode # 0 (zero)
Saturday 19th October at 12.30 hrs

*The live broadcast will be accessible for remote listening on the day of the performance at For those attending in person at DAS we recommend bringing headphones connected to your smartphone.

Sonic Feminist Fabulations (SFF) Sonic Feminist Fabulations (SFF) is an experimental radio series and collaborative research platform exploring the poetics and politics of displacement and diasporic (ecological) memories. A space to question and imagine new forms of transmission and reception, for both in-situ and remote listening.

Each episode brings together live performances, poetic electronic music, archival recordings, and conversations, blending digital and analog media to challenge colonial-linear order. SFF invites radio listeners into a journey to re(de)compose our relational paradigms and the senses and sensing of time, history, memory.

Episode #0 (zero) consists of a three part broadcast session: in the first part, audience members are invited into a sonic playground where they can try out improvisation techniques and the haptic potential of DIWO electromagnetic apparatuses, low-frequencies sounds, and fuzzy-whispering environments. The sonic playground invites to listen, play and touch following some score from Pauline Oliveros in quantum listening and quantum improvisation.  

In the second part, Megan Hoetger and Paula Montecinos Oliva delve into the conversational form, sharing elements from their ongoing research on Radio Benjamin, and discussions with a selection of texts on time, rhythm and pedagogy. Through their dialogue, they experiment with the affordances of speaking – quoting, paraphrasing, conversing, improvising – as a topography of sonic textures, uttered between their latency, repetition, and the noise that binds them. 

The session then culminates with Montecinos Oliva mixing and remixing archival recordings and sonic contributions from Chilean sound artists and researchers, offering an auditory experience of sonic embodiments, emancipatory listening and prefigurative politics that ask: How might an anticolonial democracy feel, move, and sound? What type of tuning is needed to speak with invisible listeners? How can the sonic shape our senses and ways of knowing? What do we learn by inter(intra)acting with the electromagnetic field? And what knowledge is possible to articulate from collaborative in-situ and remote encounters? 


Megan Hoetger
Paula Montecinos Oliva
Facilitating sonic playground: Femke Dekker (Loma Doom), Eli Wewentxu & Paula Montecinos Oliva.
With sonic contributions from: Eli Wewentxu, Koyam, Cepams, Nicol L’Huillier, Lucia Egaña, Jorge Volpi, Aoir Lab, Barbara Gonzalez
Instrument co-makers: Lina Gomez, Veerle Pennock
Image credit: Andy Dockett
Mentors: Sher Doruff, Radna Rumping  

** This project has been developed with the support of THIRD, BAK Fellowship for Situated Practice and Transmediale research residency Berlin.

Thanks to: Martina Raponi, Femmke Dekker, Danae Tapia, Yael Davis, Marissa Benedict, Dave Reuter, Diana McCarty

Find more information on SFF website

Paula Montecinos Oliva

Paula Montecinos Oliva is a Chilean choreographer and sonic artist, working with sounds, words, bodies, vibrations and transduction. In her artistic practice Paula weaves together experimental and fabulative methods, researching the agency and performativity of the sonic body(ies) to challenge the senses and parameters of modern-capitalist systems of knowledge and production.

She often works in collaborative set-ups, teaching-learning environments and structures for collective critical thinking and making. With an interest in creating conditions for embodied anticolonial aesthesis, her artistic concerns are on the political-fabulative power of self-perceived bodies and social processes as tools of re-existence, re-organization and collective trans*formation.

Her research approaches include somatic practice, movement research, analog electronics, open source technologies, written matter, featuring long waves and liminal frequencies, rhythmic materialities of the body fluids, opacities, noises and sonic refusals. Her work takes hybrid forms of sonic choreography, immersive installations, radiophonic concerts and sonic readings, presented in various spaces including theaters, galleries, clubs and public open spaces.

Read more about Paula’s research [An]archiving SONIC PERFORMATIVITIES here

