Sabine Zahn

doing/city_a fragmentary glossary conversation

Doing/city as a practice has mannigfold ways how to live, communicate and express itsself. It has been co-shaped through the close and longterm collaboration with collegues from performative as well as spatial disciplines, influencing and in-forming ways to speak, think, act. In this process of reaching out to each other and beyond, language and its absence have become central in generating and detecting converging zones between ways of knowing.

The fragmentary glossary assembles many of the verbal traces thus produced in the past and present. A transversal landscape of terminologies derived from experiences, shared in various degrees. Terms act as indices towards these, yet could also spurr new conversations and findings. The session will be a first step into what could be a conversational set up, that rather than speaking about a practice invites to craft pathways through thinking and exchanging alongside, approximating the practice through the situation at stake. In analogy to the physical practice it accepts blind spots, different scales of related or non-related experiences, ambivalent explanations or opaque responses next to what seems clear and explicit. The session has different interconnected rounds of engaging with the glossary between both the artist, audience and invited guests.


Sabine Zahn is a Berlin based artist, researcher and educator, working through choreography, urban practice, the city as lived space and how they complement each other.

In her research she explores a radical somatic and physical angle towards space as produced through action. Doing/city is the umbrella term under which she subsumes the various lifeforms of her practice and the activities related to it, from performative works, curated series of events to small scale publications and texts. Various grants and residencies, at present the Berlin Tanzpraxis grant 20222/23 allow her to conduct longtime research in different urban environments. The ongoing series of performative projects "Fremdgehen", "Stadterweitern" or "into Dwelling" develop choreographic possibilities as urban spacemaking in transitioning central Berlin districts. Sabine is part of AREAL – Artistic Research Lab Berlin and Floating University Berlin and teaches at numerous universities in the fields of urbanism, cultural studies, dance and performance.

