Gustavo Ciríaco

Photo: Sara Pinheiro
Gustavo Ciríaco is a Brazilian performing artist based in Lisbon. He started his career in Political Sciences and then drifted to dance-making and site-specific projects. In his works, he dialogues with the historical, material and affective context, moving from exhibition projects to multimedia staged work, passing through works and landscape projects. Ciríaco has travelled and worked in Europe, Asia, Latin America and the Middle East in projects, artistic collaborations and workshops.
His works have been presented in major national and international festivals, galleries and venues as Crossing the Line/N.York, Casa Escendida/Madrid, Museu Serralves/Porto, Mercat de Flors/Barcelona, Alkantara, Culturgest, TNDM II, ZDB, Museu Berardo/Lisbon, Ferme de Buisson/Paris, Tanz im August/Berlin, Al-Mammal Foundation/Jerusalem, Prague Theatre Festival/Prague, Vooruit/Ghent, Tokyo Wonder Site/Tokyo, Digital Art Center/Taipei, CENEART/Mexico City, Panorama, CCBB/Rio de Janeiro), Arqueologías del Futuro/Buenos Aires, SESC, Itaú Cultural/São Paulo, Salón 44/Pereira, Walk&Talk/Azores, London Festival, BAC/London, NottDance/Nottingham, Arnolfini/Bristol, Metropolis/Copenhagen, NAVE/Santiago, FIDCU/Montevideo, FADJR/Teheran.
Where the horizon moves - Hugo Barbosa
Cut by all sides - Diogo Lima
Covered by sky
To what point is geography part of art? Does art translate landscapes, its experience, its invention? Do artists express the environments in which they live and create? How can we address theoretically and critically the spaces created by some key contemporary artists and make their spatial perspectives a platform for convivial experience?
COVERED BY SKY is a long-term artistic research centered on the relationships between landscape and art, experience and poetic discourse with the goal of developing a critical collaboration platform that will result in an interactive live exhibition and a written critical approach to the works of key contemporary performing and visual artists, owners of a unique spatial aesthetics.
The research is driven by the curiosity in how landscape and its inhabitation intersect in art, by exploring how the artistic discourses, as well as its component elements, are sometimes directly linked to environments that are familiar, close by and local.
Diving into the works of some key performing and visual, whose works unfold a multiform and intricate poetics, my search is to render visible and experiential the dynamic process that creates their particular ephemeral architectures and rethink my own artistic work in this gathering of commons.
Photo's by: Torben Huss, Vera Marmelo, Paula Kossatz and Gustavo Ciríaco
Those who walk on the ground, who climb trees, who bear wings - Leo Nabuco
A room of wonder - Leo Nabuco
Phone: +351 – 918 974 368
Skype: gustaviking